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» danh mục phụ tùng sinotruk » DANH MỤC CÁC BỘ PHẬN CAB SINOTRUK HOWO HW76 / 79

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Sự liên tiếp Tên Phần không.
1 Sealing strip AZ1642160010
2 Left defroster duct assembly AZ1642160011
3 Right side of the defrost duct assembly AZ1642160014
4 Left air duct assembly AZ1642160017
5 Left duct fixing bracket assembly AZ1642160021
6 Right air duct assembly AZ1642160023
7 Front defrost duct assembly AZ1642160025
8 Left side of the duct assembly AZ1642160031
9 Right side of the duct assembly AZ1642160037
10 Middle-rear duct assembly AZ1642160042
11 Left front armrest assembly WG1642160047
12 Right front armrest assembly WG1642160047
13 Rear armrest WG1642160052
14 Dashboard crossbeam left AZ1642160060
15 Dashboard crossbeam right AZ1642160062
16 Dashboard beam welding assembly AZ1642160064
17 Beam upper instrument panel bracket assembly AZ1642160109
18 Right side of the steering column bracket assembly AZ1642160251
19 Floor bracket assembly AZ1642160181
20 Plastic pin seat AZ1642160146
21 Water cupholders front cover AZ1642160124
22 Trim assemblyCentral AZ1642160138
23 Manhole Cover AZ1642930010
24 M6 bolt combination with rubber pad AZ1642930011
25 Driver side dashboard assembly WG1642160120
26 Outlet assembly AZ1642160150
27 Assistant driver side dashboard assembly WG1642160170
28 Deputy driver side instrument audience side cover assembly WG1642160172
29 Deputy driver side trim assembly AZ1642160175
30 Co-driver side of the instrument armor assembly WG1642160177
31 Dashboard cover assembly WG1642160183
32 Hand brake cover assembly WG1642160186
33 Hand brake mounting bracket AZ1642160188
34 Switch panel assembly WG1642160190
35 Upper cover WG1642160213
37 Electrical cover assembly WG1642160215
38 Steering column shroud AZ1642160217
39 Retainer nut WG1642930009
40 The left side of the steering column assembly WG1642160218
41 Right side of the steering column assembly WG1642160230
42 Left side of the steering column trim assembly AZ1642160232
43 Right side of the steering column trim assembly AZ1642160234
44 Footrest assembly station WG1642160236
45 Left front dashboard cover screws WG1642160238
46 Right front dashboard cover screws WG1642160239
47 Hood storage box WG1642160242
48 Portable ashtray assembly AZ1642160243
49 Plastic buckle AZ1642160137
50 Cross recessed pan head screws spring washers assemblies AZ1642930620
51 Vít đầu chảo lõm chéo Q2140820
52 Vít đầu chảo lõm chéo Q2140516
53 Cross recessed pan head self tapping screws Q2714816
20Một Bu lông đầu lục giác, spring washers washer assemblies Q1460825
20b Bu lông đầu lục giác, spring washers washer assemblies Q1460620


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    Jinan Sino Phụ tùng xe tải chuyên
    xuất khẩu phụ tùng xe tải Trung Quốc
    [email protected]
    Thêm vào:No.932, Trung tâm phụ tùng QuanLi,Lanxiang Str. ,Tian Qiao Distrbut,Tế Nam ,Trung Quốc