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» katalog suku cadang sinotruk » KATALOG SINOTRUCK D12 EURO-III

  • Spesifikasi


Serial Nomor Nama Kuantitas
VG1246110001 intake pipe assy 1
1 VG1246110002 intake pipe 1
2 190003989286 steker 1
3 VG1246110006 intake pipe gasket 6
4 Q150B08125 baut kepala hex 2
5 Q150B08115 baut kepala hex 7
6 Q150B08110 baut kepala hex 3
7 Q41808 paking musim semi 12
8 VG1246110044 support assy 1
9 VG1540110011A intake pipe plate 1
10 VG1540110018A paking untuk piring 1
11 Q150B0620 baut kepala hex 4
12 Q41806 paking 4
13 VG1246110100 intake connecting pipe 1
13 VG1246110093 intake connecting pipe
14 VG1560110180 paking 1
15 Q1201030F3 kolom kepala ganda 4
16 Q41810 paking musim semi 4
17 Q340B10 kacang hex 4
18 VG1540110038 connect joint 1
19 VG1540110037 baut berongga 1
20 VG9003080003 cincin penyegel senyawa 2
21 VG1246110106 rubber soft pipe 1
22 190003989300 penjepit 2
23 VG1246110021 pengisi daya turbo 1
24 VG1540110017 gasket of turbo 1
25 VG1500110002 heat resist bolt 2
26 VG1246110058 turbo bolt 2
27 VG1246110108 front exhaust branch pipe 1
28 VG1246110109 middle exhaust branch pipe 1
29 VG1246110110 rear exhaust branch pipe 1
30 VG1246110027 cincin penyegel 8
31 VG1246110028 exhaust pipe gasket 6
32 VG1246110052 locking bolt 12
33 VG1246110111 heat insulation cover 1
34 VG1246110112 heat insulation cover 1
35 VG1500110963 heat resist bolt 12
36 Q40208 big gasket 12
37 VG1246110113 heat resist bolt
38 Q40308 paking musim semi
39 Q40108 paking datar
40 VG1246110053 pipa saluran masuk minyak 1
41 VG1246110046 pipe seat 1
42 VG9003080007 cincin penyegel senyawa 1
43 VG1560110152 oil inlet pipe flange 1
44 VG609E110050 oil inlet pipe gasket 1
45 Q218B0825 inner hex column head screw 2
46 VG188250083 self locking gasket 2
47 VG1246110055 oil return pipe 2
48 VG2600110048 oil return pipe flange gasket 1
49 VG1460070014 oil return pipe bolt 2
50 VG188250083 self locking gasket 2
51 VG2600070071 oil return soft pipe 1
52 190003989301 penjepit 2
53 VG1246110022 elbow pipe for oil return 1
54 VG1246110095 air intake pipe of turbo 1
55 VG1246130016 air intake pipe joint 1
56 190003559778 kacang hex 1
57 VG2600130037 paking 1
58 VG1246110102 rubber soft pipe 1
59 190003989315 soft pipe clamp 2
60 VG1246110099 turbo connecting elbow pipe 1
60 VG1246110094 turbo connecting elbow pipe
61 VG190320035 cincin penyegel 1
62 VG1560110226 clip 1
63 VG1246110097 fixed support 1 1
64 VG1246110098 fixed support 2 1
65 VG1246110104 fixed support 4 1
66 Q150B0820 baut kepala hex 2
67 Q150B0825 baut kepala hex 10
68 Q40308 paking musim semi 12
69 Q40108 paking datar 12
70 VG1034110100 penjepit 1
71 VG1246110205 support 1


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