عمود العداد يسار, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG COUNTER SHAFT LEFT, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG Serial Number Name Quantity – AZ2203030209 آسى عمود العداد(اليسار) 1 Q43145 حلقة التجنيب المرنة للعمود 1 2 محمل عمود AZ9003329309 مع أخدود حلقة المفاجئة 1 3 Q43160 حلقة التجنيب المرنة للعمود 1 4 AZ2210030227 ترس القيادة لعمود العداد 1 5 AZ2210030226 والعتاد الرابع من رمح العداد 1 6 AZ2210030224 third gear of counter shaft 1 7 AZ2210030203 second gear of counter shaft 1 8 WG2229030101 long flat key 1 9 Q5280514 elastic column pin 1 10 AZ2210030220 counter shaft (اليسار) 1
عمود ناقل الحركة الثالث والرابع, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG THIRD AND FORTH GEAR SHIFTER SHAFT, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG Serial Number Name Quantity – AZ2203220103 عمود ناقل الحركة الثالث والأمام 1 مجموعة نقل الحركة الأمامية WG2214220003 1 2 AZ2229220001 دبوس 1 3 WG2214220001 شوكة التحول 1 4 WG2212220103 عمود ناقل الحركة الثالث والأمام 1 5 AZ2229220002 دبوس 1
نائب مجموعة التروس, HW19710 DEPUTY RANGE GEAR BOX, HW19710 Serial Number Name Quantity – AZ2203100042 نائب علبة التروس 1 AZ9003326020 تحمل المتداول 1 2 AZ9003821255 inner-hexagon screw 5 3 AZ2225100002 حامل الكوكب الأمامي 1 4 جلبة WG2229100001 5 5 AZ2229100005 front gasket 1 6 جلبة محزوزة AZ2210100002 1 7 حلقة الاحتفاظ Q43875 1 8 AZ2210100003 transition bushing 1 9 WG2210100001 sun wheel 1 10 AZ2229100006 rear gasket 1 11 AZ9003326322 rolling bearing 1 12 AZ2225100001 output shaft 1 13 AZ9003991125 …
REVERSE GEAR SHIFTING SHAFT REVERSE GEAR SHIFTING SHAFT, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG Serial Number Name Quantity – AZ2203220001 عمود نقل الحركة العكسي آسى 1 AZ2229220002 دبوس 1 2 WG2214220001 شوكة التحول 1 3 WG2212220001 عمود نقل الحركة العكسي 1 4 مجموعة نقل الحركة العكسية WG2214220002 1 5 AZ2229220001 دبوس 1
ناقل الحركة آسى واحد, HW19710 TRANSMISSION ASSY ONE, HW19710 Serial Number Name Quantity 1 Q150B1030 hexagon head bolt 4 02、11 Q40310 elastic gasket 4 3 WG2222000001 vice shaft cap 1 4 WG2229000002 gasket 1 5 AZ9003990100 retaining ring 1 6 199000210053 low pressure tube 1 7 190003962607 الترباس جوفاء 1 8 Q72310 sealing gasket 2 9 WG2209260005 separating bearing 1 10 WG2229270005 flexible shaft support 1 11 Q150B1020 hexagon head bolt 4 11 Q40310 elastic gasket 4 12 WG2203260011 cap for front housing 1
ناقل الحركة الثالث, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION ASSY THREE, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG Serial Number Name Quantity 1 WG2229210025 paper pad 1 2 WG2229210041 supporting rod 1 3 WG2229270003 selector supporting shaft 1 4 WG2229210040 selector rod assy 1 5 Q43112 elastic retaining ring for shaft 1 6 AZ2203210040 10 غطاء العتاد (double rod) 1 7 Q150B1085 hexagon head bolt 4 07、37 حشية الربيع Q40310 4 8 AZ2229250023 paper pad for air control valve 1 9 AZ2229250015 retaining ring 1 10 AZ2229250004 spring 1 11 AZ2229250017 bushing 1 12 AZ9003071700 O-ring 1 13 WG2229250006 …
ناقل الحركة الرابع, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION ASSY FOUR, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG Serial Number Name Quantity 1 Q150B1020 hexagon head bolt 1 2 WG2229210019 range lock spring 1 3 WG2203100012 spring positioning pin 1 4 WG2229100056 lock plate pin 1 5 WG2229100175 base plate 1 6 WG2212050102 idling shaft (حق) 1 7 WG2212050101 idling shaft (اليسار) 1 8 WG2229100173 lock plate for main and vice box 1 9 WG2229100174 big pressing plate 1 10 WG2229100054 block for pressing plate 5 11 WG2229100052 small pressing plate 1 12 Q150B1025 hexagon head bolt 5
ناقل الحركة ASSY خمسة, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION ASSY FIVE, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG Serial Number Name Quantity 1 AZ2220000101 front housing of transmission 1 2 WG2229000001 gasket of front housing 1 3 AZ2203220103 shifting shaft for third and forth gear 1 4 AZ2203220010 shifting shaft for first and second gear 1 5 AZ2203220101 shifting shaft for reverse gear 1 6 AZ2203030206 counter shaft assy (حق) 1 7 WG2229050001 gakset 4 8 WG2210050001 idler 2 9 AZ9003320309 column roller bearing 2 10 AZ2203010101 middle housing of transmission 1 11 Q150B0822 hexagon head bolt 2 12 حشية الربيع Q40308 2 13 WG2222240005 cap for strainer 1 14 AZ9003077100 …
ناقل الحركة السابع, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION ASSY SEVEN, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG Serial Number Name Quantity 1 AZ2214260001 clutch separating fork 1 02、12 Q5510825 flat key 1 3 AZ2203260002 shifting shaft 1 4 Q150B1030 hexagon head bolt 4 04、08、15 حشية الربيع Q40310 4 5 AZ2229260015 booster cylinder support 1 6 WG2229003030 compound bushing 30×34×30 1 7 AZ9003073001 framework seal 1 8 Q150B1020 hexagon head bolt 4 8 حشية الربيع Q40310 4 9 WG2229270004 soft shaft support (pulling type) 1 10 AZ2220000001 front shell of transmission 1 11 AZ2229260001 shifting shaft support 1 12 Q5510825 …
ناقل الحركة ستة, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION ASSY SIX, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION ASSY SIX Serial Number Name Quantity 1 Q1231035 column head bolt 23 1 Q1231040 column head bolt 2 2 AZ2229010001 positioning pin 4 3 AZ2220010102 middle shell of transmission 1 4 WG2229010002 screw plug 2 5 WG2203010002 drain plug 1
ناقل الحركة الثاني, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION ASSY TWO, HW19710, SINOTRUK SPARE PARTS CATALOG Serial Number Name Quantity 1 AZ9003338000 steel ball 1 2 AZ9003990100 retaining ring 1 3 WG2229000002 cap pad for deputy gear box 1 4 Q5510825 flat key 1 5 WG2203260003 shifting shaft assy 1 6 AZ2222240001 oil pump body 1 7 AZ2210240001 driving gear of oil pump 1 8 AZ2210240002 annular gear of oil pump 1 9 AZ2222240002 cap for oil pump 1 10 AZ2203240003 oil inlet pipe 1 11 AZ2203240002 oil inlet pipe for input shaft 1 12 AZ2203240001 oil outlet pipe …
WG9925190006 ساينو تراك HOWO شاحنة خرطوم الهواء